Block detail #344857
Block Height < 344857 >
Timestamp 1 year 3 months 2 weeks 4 days 2 hrs 20 mins 6 secs ago (Mar 20 2023, 5:01:43)
Number of Transactions

0 FRTS transactions and 0 TFSTs transactions in this block

FRTS Amount 0.00 FRTS
Total fee 0.011 FRTS
Pool (Solo Grower)
Generation Time 1 min 7 secs
Block Reward 10.011 FRTS
Base Target 9178518528
Size 672 Bytes
Nonce 3151795
Scoop Number 3383
Payload Length 672
Payload Hash E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855
Block Signature 200888AAABF6837249156A7A630CF5702749BBDA79EDA74F9E4571001BADD603A8E38ECA4B7D4FDD0977947889B9E98FC6281A58F8FFBE82E5BD20BCD80D9D90
Generation Signature A03C14B6AFE155A802061189701E41C211A0FCA3BB761B2CEA79A9AD27AEDD79
Block ID 7012219037776380322