Transaction detail #11507884770238207773
Transaction ID 11507884770238207773
Block Height 889346
Timestamp 1 month 22 hrs 35 mins 55 secs ago ()
Attachment Account - In the ethereal realm of literature, words weave a tapestry of imagination that transcends time and space. From the epic sagas of ancient civilizations to the modern-day masterpieces of contemporary authors, storytelling has been a cornerstone of human culture. Each tale is a journey into the unknown, inviting readers to explore distant lands, brave new worlds, and delve into the depths of the human psyche. Characters leap from the page, their struggles and triumphs mirroring our own, while themes of love, loss, and redemption resonate across generations. Through the power of prose, writers capture the essence of the human experience, illuminating the beauty and complexity of life itself. Whether through the lyrical verses of poetry or the gripping suspense of a thriller, literature has the power to transport us to realms beyond our imagination. It is a testament to the boundless creativity of the human spirit, inspiring generations to dream, to explore, and to embrace the magic of
Type Account Update
To Account Update
FRTS Amount 0.00 FRTS
Total fee 0.1 FRTS
Confirmations 44323
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 1 month 22 hrs 34 mins 17 secs ago ()
EC Block Height 889301
EC Block ID 15223077798964560786
Signature DC0F548634A9583091DBA4AB94A8ACA0E699D45DA096D39D3206EB1ACFC4CB0E471C62513DE6DA0D9ACC571954FD9939C38F9E7DD850C6222C6020C3435258D1
Signature Hash 9bb1f6185575567c74cb9fc3822c30bffabcee4509c3c94154349da6e3edb4dc
Fullhash 1D172D263A38B49F6F4DF4AAC4D17BBDE12FF4132EE9AB0535F30EAAE690D435