Transaction detail #4854712969918930587
Transaction ID 4854712969918930587
Block Height 889346
Timestamp 1 month 1 day 11 hrs 48 mins 48 secs ago ()
Attachment Account - In the ethereal realm of literature, words weave a tapestry of imagination that transcends time and space. From the epic sagas of ancient civilizations to the modern-day masterpieces of contemporary authors, storytelling has been a cornerstone of human culture. Each tale is a journey into the unknown, inviting readers to explore distant lands, brave new worlds, and delve into the depths of the human psyche. Characters leap from the page, their struggles and triumphs mirroring our own, while themes of love, loss, and redemption resonate across generations. Through the power of prose, writers capture the essence of the human experience, illuminating the beauty and complexity of life itself. Whether through the lyrical verses of poetry or the gripping suspense of a thriller, literature has the power to transport us to realms beyond our imagination.
Type Account Update
To Account Update
FRTS Amount 0.00 FRTS
Total fee 0.1 FRTS
Confirmations 45117
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 1 month 1 day 11 hrs 46 mins 1 sec ago ()
EC Block Height 889300
EC Block ID 18006806115625754870
Signature A36716B7095EE511A01A899D8F94BEF0B5C7B85112C8180BDAECB635F56BAF0C70E0FEA6EB034D4D8518F8AD364AAAC879E55ED37D1B24AC6B55C30B909B6413
Signature Hash 293b5658367e196c042eedef2e7d2a2a8d60efd535f1bfa2b9cbfe9bed82ba99
Fullhash 9BDE7F8AB9675F43EF77FE2EAD5C49424DDD9EB5B7DC7405C1782F8F5412D463